Recipes with a healthy twist!
These recipes are provided by our resident dieticians from Shape Nutrition http://www.shapenutrition.com.au/
Sweet Potato and Dark Chocolate Brownies
This recipe adds a little bit of healthy into an otherwise indulgent desert!
Check out this delicious chocolatey recipe below!

Healthy Musli Bar Recipe
This recipe with wholemeal flour and lots of dried fruit makes an awesome healthy subsitute for an on the go snack.

Cranberry, Nut & Oat Bars
Another snack for those people on the go. Gives you a healthy alternative to grab for instead of those so easily accessible junk food snacks!

Home-made toasted muesli
Looking for a healthy, nutritious and tasty breakfast. Why don't you try this homemade muesli recipe from the girls at Shape Nutrition. Time to get rid of those store bought cereals and know what your eating!

Blueberry Frozen Yogurt
Looking for an easy, summery, yummy treat? Why not try this easy, cold and refreshing snack!

Mango Sorbet
Mango Sorbet is one of the easiest, tastiest and most refreshing treat that you could make. Try this recipe to cool down on those hot summer days!

Healthy Hot Cross Buns
re you always looking for a healthier snack come easter time? Try these healthy hot cross buns for a yummy but more nutritious option.

Chocolate Dipped Fruit
An amazingly sweet snack that tastes like its super naughty but its only a little bit. Substitute it for any fruit that takes your fancy!

Chicken, Chickpea and Tomato Curry
With the weather getting warmer its great to get out the curries to warm the heart. Check out this healthy chickpea curry!

Healthy Man Burger
In light of August being Tradie National Health Month we have but together a Healthy Man Burger for you to enjoy!