Healthier Ideas for Easter
Easter is commonly a time when we are overloaded with enough chocolate and hot cross buns to last a whole year. So rather than giving...

Hamstrings - What are they?
Hamstrings - everyone has heard of them at one point or another, but what are they, what do they do, common injuries and why are they so...

Sitting - The silent killer
Are you one of those people whose job means sitting around for 8 hours a day? Do you think that you can combat all the sitting you do by...

Time to keep those Resolutions Goals are something that are an integral part of achieving milestones in sport, life and especially...

Planning and Meal Prep Made Easy
With the start of the New Year and many of my clients returning to work I often hear the comments ‘I just don’t have time to cook’ or...

Food Vs Exercise - Is it worth it?
Choosing to indulge over the silly season? Before you overdo the treats over the Christmas and New Year period think twice about how much...

Training over the silly season
Coming into Christmas and New Year period our lives are inudated with social obligations, crazy work schedules, family time which makes...

Eating over the Silly Season
The party season has well and truly arrived and for most of us this means the celebrations, parties and family functions, which...

Lissome Studios
Welcome to Lissome Studios, a new Allied Health clinic on the Gold Coast to service the athlete population. Lissome mean 'Agile, Nimble...