Healthy and Quick Weight loss tips

Here are a few easy changes to help drop a couple of kilos quickly and you get back to your pre-holiday weight:
Clean out the fridge and pantry.
If you’re serious about getting your diet and lifestyle on track, get rid of any unhealthy temptations lurking in your fridge and pantry. If they’re there, you will end up eating them so get rid of the temptation! Go shopping and stock up on all the healthy foods to make eating well as convenient as possible.
Include a protein rich breakfast
At breakfast make sure to include a high protein food, such as: Greek yoghurt, eggs, cottage cheese or lean meat (aim from 15-20g protein per serve). This has been shown to help regulate the release of insulin, and in turn helps to regulate appetite and curb sugar cravings later in the day.
Aim for at least 2 – 3 cups of vegetables (or salad) each day.
If you rely only on dinner to eat 2-3 cups of vegetables, it can be quite hard to do. Try spreading out your veggie intake throughout the day. For example, starting the day with a veggie juice (i.e. 1 green apple + kale, baby spinach, cucumber, celery, lemon etc); a large salad for lunch and a stirfry for dinner, can help reduce your calorie intake by about 300 calories which equates to about half a kilo of weight loss a week. Eating 2 – 3 cups of vegetables each day will also help boost your energy levels and the fibre will help keep you feeling full.