Time to keep those Resolutions

Goals are something that are an integral part of achieving milestones in sport, life and especially keeping those new years resolutions. So what is the best way to achieve these goals?
When thinking about your goals you need to think about these facets - is my goal a SMART goal? Meaning is the goal Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time based. These facets assist with keeping your goals in check and will improve your chances of meeting your own goals and expectations.
To increase the specificity of a goal think about your what, why, who, where and which. When measuring the goal, how will I know when the goal is accomplished? The next two facets of a SMART goal usually let people down - is the goal achievable and realistic? You need to think long and hard about what you can fit in the craziness which we call life, do you have the time to achieve this? And lastly the goal needs a timeline. Is it going to take you a couple of days, months or a couple of years to achieve? Each goal should be though of in this way and then written down.
Writing things down can assist in keeping your goals at the forefront of your mind. Some people write them down on the back of toilet doors, on their shower screens or simply on a piece of paper. The way in which you record your goals is not the thing to get hung up on it is the fact that they are recorded somewhere.
Once your big goals are written down they need to be broken down into the smaller bite size pieces. The longer term goals need to turn into short term more managable goals that can be achieved as part of the long term goal. Not only does this process assist with motivation along the way, it also means that reaching your goals is not just something that is a maybe, it is more likely to become reality.
I hope all of this helps - now bring on 2015!